Monday, April 14, 2008

Who planted a curse at the Trop? Everyone.

You’ve heard about the Red Sox jersey buried in the cement at the new Yankee Stadium that is currently under construction to put a hex on the Bombers and how the Yankees dug it up, because, even though they don’t believe in such things, why bother, right?


Well, on Monday night Raymond, the Rays lovable blue mascot, walked past the visiting dugout at Tropicana Field, which was occupied by the Yankees. Raymond was dressed like a construction worker. It wore an orange vest and hardhat.

Raymond carried a shovel and pretended to burry a Carlos Pena jersey in front of the Yankees.

Oh, that Raymond.

Funny stuff.

Given the Rays sorry record at home (they entered Monday’s game 367-447 under the doom) it kind of makes you wonder if there are any jerseys buried under the visiting clubhouse under the Trop?

My guess … the Red Sox and Yankees and Mariners and Athletics and Angels and Indians and White Sox and Blue Jays and Reds and Braves and Cardinals and Pirates and Padres.

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