Friday, March 6, 2009

Ode to a cap

Saw this hat in the team store at McKechnie Field a few years back. Almost bought it. Didn't. Now wish I did.

They don't carry it now, of course. I suppose I can find it on-line.I remember when teams wore these pillbox hats in 1976. The Mets, Phillies, Reds and Pirates. There might have been more teams, but those I remember. It was to honor the 100th anniversary of the National League, so only National League teams wore them.

I thought they were kind of goofy then, but I was in the eighth grade, so what did I know?The 1979 Pirates wore the gold and black pillboxes to the World Series title - their last.I

've always liked the Pirates, and have met a few of the guys from the 1971 and 1979 championship teams over the years at Pirate City. Nicew guys, every one of them.

I have a hat from the 1971 season, replica, of course.Now I want one from 1979.

Wish I bought it that day at McKechnie.


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